Monday, November 26, 2018

We are officially in the Christmas and Holiday Season in this little six square mile City of Lake Worth.

Save the dates:

Next Saturday, December 1st is the annual Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in the Cultural Plaza located in Downtown Lake Worth and on December 15th is the 53rd annual Christmas and Holiday Parade.

But please keep in mind all you revelers
in Downtown Lake Worth:

“Keep that noise down, I’m trying to get
some sleep over here on ‘M’ Street!”

There will be no merriment!

Former Lake Worth blogger-extraordinaire Mr. Tom McGow did this classic photoshop of a former commissioner back in 2009. For those of you who remember those heady days when crime wasn’t the issue so much, but the noise levels from certain areas in the Downtown and restaurants most certainly was.

And also part of all the excitement nine years ago was former Mayor Jeff Clemens and former Palm Beach Post reporter Willie Howard too! 

Sound advice (pardon the pun): If you’re considering moving to this City of Lake Worth and noise is a big issue for you then suggest not choosing a location in or near the Downtown.

A neighbor might do the unthinkable like have a party. 

In the Downtown you’ll be in close proximity to other humans and if you don’t get along with other humans, well, there might be issues. A better option would be a condo or home along Lake Osborne Drive or, if you can afford it, somewhere in the Great Walled City of Atlantis — it’s very quiet behind those walls.