Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Once again, from the oft-cited file, “We all have to keep in mind. . .

. . . there are many new residents in the City of Lake Worth Beach that have no knowledge of things that preceded them.”

Many blog readers have seen this blog post before. Some of you many times. Thank You for visiting once again today and please scroll down.

For everyone else, once every 2–3 months like to remind new and recently new residents why long-time residents don’t get annoyed when they hear PBSO helicopters overhead, especially at night.

Hearing PBSO helicopters was a sign of hope for many people. Things are much different today in this City as Cpt. Baer explained at a Commission meeting recently.

Ten and a half years ago. . .

On August 26th, 2008, then-Mayor Jeff Clemens signed the agreement to begin the process of turning over law enforcement responsibility to PBSO and subsequent disbanding of Lake Worth PD. In response to Cara Jennings (former commissioner, 2006–2010) who supported keeping the LWPD, JoAnn Golden (another former commissioner, 2007–2011) said about the out-of-control crime at the time:

“[W]e have allowed the gangs to get ahead of us.”

Prior to PBSO taking over for the LWPD, crime in the City was so bad a resident actually proposed that LWPD set up checkpoints and vehicle searches on all roads leading into the City.

Listen for yourself:

That never happened. But crime was so bad prior to PBSO taking over many residents and community leaders seriously considered police checkpoints. Now let’s take a stroll down memory lane to 2007:

Check out these crime “Clearance” rates, especially for homicides. . . “but having our own police department was just so charming”. Maybe in a few neighborhoods. But not so much in others.

Oh, and by the way, that PBSO helicopter flying around at night that some people find ‘annoying’ isn
t so annoying in the context of history, is it?