Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The article by Kevin Thompson about Lake Worth in the Post's Sunday special insert on Palm Beach County

Here is a great quote from Thompson's article:
     “Lake Worth is walkable, bike-able, has a ton of amenities for its residents and visitors, as well as an active social calendar,” said resident Tammy Pansa. “You can move here knowing absolutely nobody and end up not being able to walk downtown on Lake Avenue without saying ‘hi’ to at least half a dozen people. It is a city that celebrates culture and diversity. It is a city where I have more neighbors in the truest sense of the word than any other place I have ever lived.”
The article is very good at explaining exciting projects happening, soon-to-happen, and some very tough decisions coming up soon, except the article contains one major error: The Lake Worth Casino wasn't "renovated" as is stated in the column; the Casino as it stands now is new construction (see caption below) and you can read more about that using this link.
The previous Casino structure was 94% demolished. The latest controversy is the newly-discovered Greenwashing of the Casino building that occurred during construction in 2009/2010.
Here are the "Five next big things" mentioned in The Palm Beach Post:
  • The historic Gulfstream hotel redevelopment
  • The Lake Worth Casino: Hard decisions will have to be made to fix the structural problems and the failed business plan from 2009
  • The Park of Commerce which recently received $1.4 million in a Federal grant
  • The Lucenté Townhomes in the downtown next to Publix
  • More Artist Lofts are in the works by the City's CRA
A lot of exciting things are happening and it's a great time to be living in this wonderful little City!

If you have community news in the City of Lake Worth, or if you would like to promote an upcoming event, here is how you contact the Post reporter:
  • Email: kthompson@pbpost.com
  • 561-820-4573
  • Twitter: @kevindthompson1