Monday, August 31, 2015

NBC5/WPTV and The Palm Beach Post: Meet former Chair of former Lake Worth Community Relations Board (CRB)

[Panagioti (Peter) Tsolkas, an Anarchist, became the Chair of the Community Relations Board in Lake Worth. The board tried unsuccessfully several times to "monitor" PBSO. Annabeth K(C)arson even went so far as to suggest the board not be subject to the Sunshine Law to "investigate". Enjoy this timely blog post I originally posted in June of 2014 about a "citizen review board" which NBC5/WPTV and The Palm Beach Post thinks is such a grand idea:]

Below is Panagioti Tsolkas' poignant prose on The Ecology of the Police State from August 2013. He reminisces about the salad days of Anarchy in Lake Worth and how they attempted, but failed, at dismantling the sheriff's reign here. You might want to refresh your recollection of his Kalamata Treatise, which sealed his fate as ex-chair of the Community Relations Board, referred to in his article. Here are some screengrabs where we see the behind the veil:
The love for his fellow Lake Worth residents is palpable. No name calling or stereotyping here. No way.
A few more hands on deck. Really?