Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mr. Greg Rice needs your help this weekend

Mr. Greg Rice, an outstanding Lake Worth citizen/volunteer, needs your help:

I [Greg Rice] need some help. Nadine [Burns] and Maryanne [Webber] have just let me know that we are going to add another shuttle bus to cut down on the wait time for our visitors coming to Lake Worth for the 21st Annual Lake Worth Street Painting Festival. If you would like to host the shuttle for a couple of hours this Saturday and/or this Sunday to welcome our guests, please contact me as soon as you can. You can email me with your contact info.: name, email/phone number with the day/time you're available to ride the shuttle and talk about how great Lake Worth is! I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. My email is gregrice33460@gmail.com. Thank You everyone for supporting us this weekend. 


Greg Rice