Thursday, September 4, 2014

Palm Beach State Almost Ready To Start New Campus

This is in the general area of the Minto West development. According to this Town Crier article, click title for link. If you want to see an example of a pervious parking area/material, check out our local Snook Islands turn-around area. That is the state-of-the-art in pervious vehicular parking surfaces. There are other products, like "turf crete", but none really fair that well in Florida due to the heat, rains and the type of grass. Just a little traffic quickly leaves just the material you thought was going to hold turf, and not the turf. From the article:
Parking will be developed only as the buildings are constructed, Wasukanis said, leaving vegetation on the site for as long as possible.
He said engineers have been researching paving material for the parking areas that will be semi-pervious, allowing stormwater to percolate into the ground rather than become runoff.
Ultimately, the campus will have 10 to 12 buildings for a total of about 650,000 square feet, but phase one will include three buildings over five to seven years, starting with one in the southwestern portion of the property, which is largely devoid of native trees. The first building, closest to Southern Blvd., is currently in the design phase.