Sunday, February 9, 2014

Keep it civil |

Palm Beach is still reeling from last week's election and the campaign season that led up to it. The last thing you want to be in Palm Beach is to be rude. Politeness and courtesy is general the way of the world over on the island. However, the gloves came off in this recent election, with a significant amount of resources dedicated to besmirch your opponent. Not all is over and done with as they have another election on the PUD-5 ordinance which may bring its own brand of craziness and over-the-top representations (or more likely misrepresentations) of fact. Click title for link for the Shiny Sheet editorial on the topic. 
We have come to expect bitter, no-holds-barred fighting in presidential elections. But small-town Palm Beach campaigns traditionally have been more civil — with debates, luncheons and meet-and-greets.
This year, they turned ugly fast. David Rosow, who did not seek a fourth term, was correct when he said political attacks have sunk the town to an “impossible new low.”
With five candidates vying for two seats, it was high-spirited until mean-spirited fliers turned up in residents’ mailboxes.