Saturday, July 30, 2011

I had this dream last night...

This is a true story.  I dreamed that I started at a new job.  It seemed like it was some sort of accounting or law firm.  The first day, they introduced me around the office so that everyone would know my name and what I would be doing at this firm.  I sat down in the office of my boss, and was given a document to look over. As I was reading it and paging through the report, the words were changing as I read them.  I mentioned this to my boss and he said not to worry:  That kind of thing happens all of the time here.  While meeting with him, other people would come in and out of the office and they would each call me by a different name.  These are the people that had just met me.  I pointed out my real name, but that didn't seem to matter to them - they went on calling me any other name that came to their mind.

I ended up going to my office to review this ever-changing document when lunch time came around.  There was an elevator in the building. I entered it and pressed the button for the first floor.  The elevator moved so fast that everyone's feet lifted two feet off the floor.  Shocked, I asked if something was wrong with the elevator.  People there assured me that all was o.k. and that I would get used to it.  I also noticed that not all the floors were listed on the panel inside the elevator.  I found out later that the floors that you could go to via the elevator would change based upon the day of the week.  For example, you couldn't go to the second floor on Thursdays.  Some days the elevator would only go to the roof and then you would have to walk down the stairs to get to the floor you wanted.  There didn't seem to be a fixed schedule, but everyone seemed to just "know"  this, but me.

That all being said, I am reviewing the city's response to the Inspector General's inquiry.  I'll let you know what I think about it later.