Monday, November 1, 2010

Heroes and Zeroes: Lizbeth Benacquisto, Hero; Kevin Rader, Randy Schultz, Zeroes - Rape as a campaign stunt? Were you even listening to her, guys?

Click title for link to article in Sunshine State News.  An excerpt:

"Schultz (Editorial Board at Palm Beach Post) actually comes off worse in this matter than Rader. In his Thursday editorial, “Politically timed revelation?” he suggests Benacquisto’s ad might not be a courageous public admission but “a calculated move in a key campaign.”

Who would do that? Who would keep a rape secret for 23 years, then, at a stressful time like the middle of a campaign -- all because of some publicity stunt -- decide to sit down and tell her teenage son and 11-year-old daughter? Does that really sound like a stunt to you?

Schultz implied that Benacquisto made her ad too quickly. And, who paid for it? The party? What nefarious outfit might that have been? Never mind that her campaign team might have seen how distraught she was and wanted it done quickly so she could move on.

By the way, I never saw any editorial that asked where Rader's money for advertising came from. Oh, wait a minute. I forgot for a minute. The Post endorsed Kevin Rader."