Sunday, March 22, 2009

Commissioner Cara Jennings' Thank You Poem

This was sent around to her supporters. It is accompanied by a picture of Commissioner Jennings (above) that has more in common with Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island than it does to any resemblance of Commissioner Cara Jennings when she is seen in town or on the dais. Likely one of the first steps in her campaign for Mayor this year, this is what the poem says - the italics are my interpretation.

In this seaside town named Lake Worth--for now
(Cara plans to change the name of the city to Jewel to erase the genocidal connotation associated with General Worth - at least the view held amongst her closest supporters.
I call this Cara's Bling-Bling plan. It really is more of a statement: "I have taken over.")

the developers arrived with plans and a plow
(Where are the developers Cara? Have you looked around recently? Where are the jobs Cara? Where is the tax base? Why do we have to get in our fossil fuel burning vehicles and drive outside of Lake Worth for basic goods and services?)

A cry rang out....gentrification has come!
(A cry rang out - where have all the U.S. citizens gone?)
we must take action or our city is done
(No disagreement here.)

Together we crafted an epic work plan
(Carl Rove has nothing on this group - they have a lot of time on their hands
so this is their cause 24/7/365.)

with all the tools in the box, we would hold back "the man"
(O.K., let's equate the "man" - a sexist term - with all that is against what "they" believe. Do men have a role in Cara's "epic work plan?" It comes to mind that other world leaders have had "epic work plans." Care to elaborate?)

With petitions and protests, the momentum did gain
(for stories were told at many a doorstep)
now it was time for an election campaign
(Oh Goody! - they cried. Now we can feel morally right to take the signs of "developer" candidates to make the playing field more even)

They said, "It's a fluke, a radical can't win"
(Note to those listening - Cara Jennings did not run as a radical candidate)
and swore to their cronies, "It won't happen again!"
(When sworn in before HER cronies, Cara sounded like the radical she is -
she did not sound that way during the campaign)

Donations came in from nearby and far flung
(Mostly far flung, along with generous donations from certain people
having a vested interest in Commission actions)

wishing us strength for the work to be done
(If you say "No" to most things, the work can be fairly easy. The hard part is saying "Yes")

With cash in the bank and feet on the street,
the power of people could not be beat
(No argument here, that's what it takes to win)

We took the city by storm, a hurricane of change
and despite their foul play, we did it again......
(Commissioner Jennings - would you mind identifying the "foul play" of which you speak? Remember to include your actions or those of your people in the list.)

I thank you, friends, it has been quite a ride
with your love and support, we turned the tide.
(The tide goes in and the tide goes out. )