Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thanksgiving For Food-Challenged Lake Worth Beach Families

Arms of Hope Community, Inc. and the Kiwanis Club of Lake Worth Beach are teaming up to provide a total of $1,000 in Thanksgiving food gift cards to ten Lake Worth families. Patrick Livingston, who runs Above the Sea community restaurant on Wingfield Street, serves as project coordinator. Want to join us in making a difference? Any donation will help make an impact.

Food-challenged families are always in need of help. Patrick is there for them, day in and day out. Yet, the need is so much keener NOW. Thanks in advance for your support.

Donations needed on or before Thursday, November 19 so that families may receive their gifts in time to purchase food for Thanksgiving. For further information about Arms of Hope click.

Click here for GoFundMe link.

PBSO Lake Worth Beach - November 9th Weekly Update

Crime – Overall crime has come down from the rough start to the beginning of the year. This past week we had a shots fired call in the 200 block of South Lakeside Drive where no one was hit. We had three robberies to persons with no particular patterns. Lastly, we had 10 vehicle burglaries. All ten were unlocked vehicles and another gun was taken out of one of them. We are following up on some good leads. It appears the same suspects committed most if not all ten burglaries.

Covid 19 – The numbers are rising again. We have several deputies out in our region who either have it or are awaiting testing results after being exposed. Please continue to follow all CDC guidelines.

Traffic – We have had a few special operations lately to curtail speeding and other violations. Several Commercial Motor Vehicle units (CMV) worked a special detail in the areas near 6th Ave South, 10th Ave North and LW Road to enforce the commercial vehicles traveling through residential areas . Our motor units are also out in regards to speeding and failing to stop for stop signs.

Commission Presentation – My next quarterly presentation to the commission is Tuesday, 11/17/2020 at 6 pm. You can attend virtually by clicking on the link on the city web page. I will be presenting the crime data and talking about what PBSO is doing in the city, particularly with community policing.

Stay safe !

Captain Todd Baer

Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office

Commander – District 14 – City of Lake Worth Beach

Monday, November 9, 2020

Power Outage City of Lake Worth Beach Electric Utility 11/9/20 at 8:20 a.m.


Announcements from the City of Lake Worth Beach regarding Tropical Storm Eta

All Lake Worth Beach City Offices will be closed Tomorrow (Monday the 9th) Due to Hurricane Eta

In an abundance of caution the Lake Worth Beach Casino Park, Beach and Property will be closed Monday, November 9th. The Casino Complex will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.

Lake Worth Beach Residents due to storm Eta there will be no refuse collection of any type in any Zone Monday November 9. Do not Push trash, vegetation or recycling on the curb.