Friday, June 22, 2018

Huge front page LOCAL news in this week’s Lake Worth Herald!

The front page news story beneath the masthead today is incredible LOCAL news about Lake Worth High School and educators Ms. Tiffany Cox and Mr. John Weatherspoon:

“Two LWHS Educators Nominated for GRAMMY Awards”

Check back later on for excerpts from this LOCAL news published above the fold today or go Downtown and pick up the print edition. Hurry up before all the papers get sold out.

The Herald today is all LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL community news including recent and upcoming events and club meetings and so much more cool stuff!
Support LOCAL small town journalism.

Pick up today’s print edition at the City’s
newsstand in the Downtown at 600 Lake Ave.
And the Herald is still just ¢50.

Click on this link to see all the front page LOCAL headlines today in The Lake Worth Herald and the Coastal/Greenacres Observer. Now go Downtown and pick up today’s Lake Worth Herald. To become a subscriber, have LOCAL community news, or want to learn more about advertising rates then contact the editor at 561-585-9387 or send an email to: