Thursday, June 22, 2017

There are no limits to the silliness in our little City of Lake Worth: The Blueway Trail and, “Hey, we were just thinking of putting I-95 right there.”

Rumors, mis- and disinformation, plus the myths began spreading fast last July as evidenced in the comments made by two former Lake Worth commissioners (as you will discover below). To see a video explaining the Blueway Trail project use this link. The following information will provide many answers and, as always, Thank You for visiting.

Video of the Blueway Trail Project presentation at the City Commission last year is below and here is a tease: The award for most absurd, ridiculous comment goes to a former commissioner, Chris McVoy, PhD.

Kim DeLaney, PhD, the Director of Strategic Development and Policy at the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) gave the update. The first 8 minutes is her presentation (there have been significant changes since DeLaney’s presentation last year and you can read about some of them using this link).

You can’t see the slides but she explains what is happening with the Blueway Trail on the C-51 Canal quite succinctly. Here is what to take note of following her presentation:
  • Now former-Commissioner Ryan Maier is the first to ask questions and that begins at the 8:20 mark. He talks about rumors he heard about it taking a boat 25 minutes to get from one side of the S-155 Spillway to the other. False. DeLaney politely says, “the numbers we’ve seen are a little different.” About 6–8 minutes.
  • At the 10:20 mark Mayor Pam Triolo begins her remarks.
  • At 13:50 McVoy begins his comments and questions.
  • At 14:15 he makes the most ridiculous comment you can imagine. Talking about those people who live near the C-51, east of the Spillway, and the worry about increased boat traffic he says, “Hey, we were just thinking of putting I-95 right there.” Not joking.
  • At 17:50 Triolo puts things in perspective once again noting that this project was once a dream of former Lake Worth Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill. Oooops! McVoy gets a ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ look, mumbles, and then goes completely silent. Priceless.
For those of you who don’t remember Suzanne Mulvehill. . . another classic photoshop by the inimitable Tom McGow from 2010:
Mulvehill bemoaned the S-155 Spillway on the C-51 Canal blocked kayakers, like herself back in the day, from access to The Chain of Lakes and beyond.

Enjoy the video and hope this information helps to clear up some of the misconceptions and myths concerning this proposed project. No doubt the rumor mills, mis- and disinformation campaigns will now go into overdrive here in Lake Worth. Especially from those who think something like “I-95” is coming to their neighborhood.