Saturday, August 6, 2016

More news from this week's Herald: "Pre-paid Utilities To Be Workshopped By City"

Remember, it was the Herald that broke this news last year: a pitch by two commissioners to spike up the City's electric rates. The Commission majority (Mayor Triolo, Vice Mayor Maxwell, and Commissioner Amoroso) rejected that.
Earlier posted this news from The Lake Worth Herald about more CDBG funds coming to Lake Worth to beautify one of our community parks in the City. Much of the news you'll read in the Herald is too mundane for publishing in the Post, a newspaper that relies more on conflict and simple good/bad scenarios to attract readers.

The news below on the possibility of pre-paid utilities coming to Lake Worth seemed like a simple agenda item, that is until Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell let his thoughts be known. Last Tuesday's (8/2) City Commission meeting was a short one and this discussion about the utilities took up a big part of the time. Although I was unable to attend watched parts of the meeting via live streaming video.

From the discussion this looked like a 4-1 vote to approve but Maxwell was persistent there were too many unanswered questions. Maxwell's major point was the fear Lake Worth would become known as the City to move to if you wanted to sign up for utilities cheaply. He also pointed out the wisdom of changing course when the City has made big strides of late when it comes to customer service, to name one. He made other points as well but this one was the zinger, paraphrasing Maxwell:
"If this is such a great idea why isn't FPL doing it?"
It was that line I think won the day and there was no vote. Instead the decision was made to workshop this. On August 25th is a scheduled workshop but no agenda as yet. Below are excerpts from the Herald about this:

     The City Commission agreed to workshop a prepaid account management system software agreement with Exceleron Software, LLC. Staff has recommended the City enter into an agreement with Exceleron by piggybacking on a contract the City of Ocala has with Exceleron.
     The Exceleron’s prepaid account management system software will allow residents to pre-pay their Electric and Water, and Sewer usage. The software will also help customers who can’t afford large deposits to still move into the City’s service area. [emphasis added]

[and. . .]

     Customers that sign up for the Pre-Paid Utility system no longer receive a paper bill or a final notice letter. This alone results in an annual savings. In addition, these customers will not be a risk to the City for incurring bad debt and write-offs.

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