Thursday, July 21, 2016

UPDATE: Mrs. McGiveron failed her challenge in spectacular fashion. And so did commissioners Maier and McVoy too.

Remember folks, clever motto's won't do anything to fix that pothole on your street. 

In the days since July 7th when Mrs. McGiveron accepted the challenge from Vice Mayor Maxwell and was supposed to be crafting her own ballot language, she instead spent her time crafting a silly motto for the Post's Lake Worth beat reporter:
" 'Where the Tropics Begin' was the old Lake Worth motto," she said. "Sit down, shut up and open your wallets is our new motto."
Pretty clever, huh? How long did it take her to come up with that one? Five minutes?

Continue reading the blog post below first published on July 8th and ask yourself these questions:

Why didn't Mrs. Giveron and commissioners Maier and McVoy take the time since July 7th to craft their own ballot language? Would it be because that would mean having to take a leadership role?

Mrs. McGiveron accepted the challenge (see below) from Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell. A citizen/reporter, Peggy Fisher, got it all on video. McGiveron, as of July 8th had 12 days to complete her assignment

For how this challenge came to be use this link to learn what occurred at the City's Workshop on July 7th. This meeting was held to decide how to proceed to fix the roads/potholes, which the public has demanded be done.

Following the meeting, in the hallway outside the Commission chambers, citizen/reporter Peggy Fisher took video of Vice Mayor Maxwell and Mrs. Katie McGiveron, who is Chair of the CAUT PAC. At the 6:35 mark Maxwell said to McGiveron:
"I challenge you. You give me a ballot initiative and I will present it to the commission. That was your offer, Katie. Give it to me. I would love to see it."
McGiveron then accepted the challenge. She along with commissioners Maier and McVoy are opposed to the City Commission majority (which includes Mayor Pam Triolo and Commissioner Andy Amoroso) moving forward with a ballot initiative so then it was up to McGiveron, Maier, and McVoy to craft one themselves. Here is what we learned at the Workshop:
  • Since the "LW2020" bond failed in 2014 it will now cost $9 million more to fix the City's roads
  • At a minimum the City will need $40–50 million
  • More delays will drive up future costs
I even helped by providing this information:
    • Ballot title not to exceed 15 words
    • Ballot language not to exceed 75 words
    • Following the ballot language is the choice "Yes" or "No", with "Yes" clearly in approval and "No" clearly opposed
    Then I wrote, "Good luck."

    Here is the video taken by citizen/reporter Peggy Fisher; proceed to the 6:10 mark to hear the challenge for yourself: