Saturday, July 23, 2016

Drinking Water Warning in Lake Worth: Press release

FROM: Brian Shields, City of Lake Worth Water Utility Director
Subject: Drinking Water Warning
Date: July 22, 2016

City of Lake Worth Raw Water Well (#01) sample tests positive for E. coli

     One of our 13 raw water wells (#01) was sampled on July 21, 2016 and had a water sample test positive for fecal coliform (E. coli) bacteria on July 22, 2016. Raw water well (#01) was taken out of rotation on July 22, 2016 and is not being utilized. Public notification of the positive raw water well sample test is required by the Health Department. These bacteria can make you sick, and are a particular concern for people with weakened immune systems.
     Bacterial contamination can occur when increased run-off enters the drinking water source (for example, following heavy rains). It can also happen due to a break in the distribution system (pipes) or a failure in the water treatment process.

[and. . .]

     Please share this information with all the other people whom drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses).