After a long month of continued violence and homicide in Greenfield, the City Council has approved the Administration's proposed reductions in general government spending of $311,000 to increase law enforcement funding in the FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget. These budget savings were obtained by not funding the positions of Public Works Director, Code Enforcement Officer and Management Analyst in the coming budget. The additional funds will allow the Police Department to hire an additional three police officers in July and begin to aggressively combat the needless violence that seems we have all witnessed here in Greenfield.Susan Stanton is the former city manager of Lake Worth who tried to end the contract with PBSO and form her own Lake Worth PD. She now has her own PD in Greenfield, CA. Proof once again that having your own PD isn't what it's cracked up to be.
Here is Stanton and former Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill and their mea culpa after abandoning the effort to end the contract with PBSO in 2011:
Note that at the 6:35 mark I (Wes Blackman) ask Stanton a question and notice how she evades answering it.