Thursday, June 5, 2014

First part of the Lake Worth 2020 ballot language discussion from the 6/3 Commission meeting

This is the first half hour of Item 12 (a) New Business: Resolution No. 29-2014 - call for a bond referendum election on August 26, 2014.

After a brief introduction by the City Manager, the City Attorney responds to questions about establishing a special assessment and how that would be difficult in a built-out city where some would benefit and some would not benefit as much. He said that the scope of the project and the number of infrastructure systems that would be improved: water, roads, sewer, sidewalks, street-lighting all would be difficult to quantify and apply fairly. This would open the city to legal challenges and he mentions how the city is trying to prevent legal challenges in a proactive way. He made it sound like this was counter to the way things were handled in the past.

Commissioner McVoy presents his concerns about the degree to which climate change and sea level rise were incorporated into the plan and shares a PowerPoint presentation outlining his concerns. He thought it was premature for the city to go ahead with this program as he has not seen evidence that this was looked into. He couldn't support it going on the ballot at this time. Commissioner Szerdi responds that it is difficult to predict how sea level rise will impact Lake Worth and to identify the sorts of projects that would be affected by such a change. He points out that there are baffles that can be installed in drains to prevent back-up of sea water at high tides. He is comfortable with the plan going forward.

Public comment begins right at the end of this first video on the discussion.