Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A story of alligators and local TV news ratings...

Here is a story from Channel 5's Dan Corcoran about a missing dog and the alligator suspected of attacking the dog.

It is a well-balanced story with an interview of the missing dog's owner, some pictures of the suspected alligator, and advice as keeping dogs leashed, away from the canal.

Now let's take a look at the Channel 12 report by Peter Schaller.

Also a good story with more emotional content; still a decent news story. Note the intro by the anchor talent to Mr. Schaller's story and the neighborhood being "terrorized." Also note the young boys in Mr. Schaller's story in the water using kayaks. They don't appear to be terrorized.

Here is the Channel 5 video screen for the online news segment:
Now here is the Channel 12 screen for the news story segment:
Remember the movie Jaws?