Monday, April 28, 2014

From the mail bag: A loyal reader writes...

I am a photographer in Lake Worth. A little background: I'm am politically and socially active in the community. Love baseball! Read the newspapers, watch local television programming, read the Lake Worth Herald and visit the local blogs. Very much enjoy your blog and visit Ms. Anderson's “for entertainment purposes only” from time to time.

And I possess the talent, or the curse if you will, of seeing a photograph (even one taken many years ago) and remembering where and when I first saw that photograph.

This morning found myself in need of some entertainment and visited Ms. Anderson's blog. In one of her stories she used a picture of Commissioner Shelley Vana with shopped labels. The typical stuff you find on her blog, you know, corrupt yada yada yada.

But here's the thing. I remembered where I saw that photograph that Ms. Anderson used. It was in the Sun Sentinel I remembered that much. So I did a little research. And there it was! The picture of Commissioner Vana that Ms. Anderson stole was from a story by Andy Reid on 9/6/13 titled “Vana calls for Army Corps to speed up Lake O fix”. The photographer who took the picture was Sun Sentinel staff photographer Carline Jean. Here is Ms. Jeans email if anyone is interested:

Hypocritical, absurd, and unethical that Ms. Anderson will use a photograph of Commissioner Vana--without permission--to demonstrate Commissioner Vana's “sins” isn't it?