Wednesday, May 8, 2013

[CPNA] Neighborhood Alert

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

An urgent reminder to please be aware of suspicious activity in the College Park neighborhood. Last week one of our neighbor's home on Bryn Mawr was burglarized right in broad daylight. Our neighbor was even home at the time but was out working in the yard. Please keep a sharp eye for any suspicious activity and ALWAYS keep your front and back doors, garage and patio doors - locked, even if you're just outside.

When new neighbors move in, you'll be doing yourself and everyone a favor by introducing yourself and welcoming them to College Park. Let them know that this is a neighborhood that cares about public safety and protecting our families and homes. We watch out for each other and we encourage them to join us in that effort.

As always,PBSO strongly encourages everyone to call the non emergency number if you see something or someone in the neighborhood that just doesn't "feel" right. That includes door to door solicitors that may not be legitimate, may not be licensed and may be trouble. That includes vehicles seen trolling the neighborhood that may be looking for an easy target. That includes anything or anyone that seems out of place or unusual.

NEVER confront anyone you think might be acting suspiciously yourself. Call PBSO.

The non-emergency number is: 586-1611 That number goes directly to the District 14 office on North G St.

You can also call the PBSO central office non-emergency number: 688-3000

For emergencies that pose an immediate threat to life or property call 911

Thanks Everyone and Let's Stay Safe!