Friday, December 23, 2011

Lake Worth needs to find a manager, not a toadie

Gag, cough, title for link. The only thing you need to remember from this editorial emanating from the paneled corner offices of the PBP is this:

"Former City Manager Susan Stanton, who had acknowledged faults as a communicator..."

One of the urban dictionary's definitions of a "toadie" is as follows: One who gives selflessly of himself, who's only concern is pleasing his Mistress, with no concern for his own health or well-being. One who's unquestionably sincere devotion to his Mistress is to be applauded, commended and encouraged, and most especially, Rewarded. I suggest you use a different word, but you are on to something.  The person you are alluding to did all these things in the name of his Mistress, which was his downfall.