Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reminders about how the Complete Count Committee conundrum became political...

  • Commissioner Golden suggested that her chief campaign organizer become the chair of the Complete Count Committee.
  • In a reflex reaction, the City Manager follows that suggestion, knowing that it pleased the "majority"
  • That person, Annabeth Karson, would not do it for free and required an assistant - another political campaign operative.
  • Not only would the "potential" be there for the "appearance" of unethical behavior in terms of gathering information for future campaigns, this highly visible position working with leaders from churches, community groups, civic organizations would undoubtedly elevate the stature of that person in the eye of the general public as someone of authority working for the city.
  • Before you know it, that lovely person (or persons) who organized the Complete Count Committee is knocking at your door in a future campaign.
Do not think for a minute that these indirect effects were not considered. This is the same Commission majority that didn't see a conflict with Commissioner Golden interviewing her boss for a position on the CRA, cares little about the amount of campaign contributions to Commissioner Mulvehill's campaign received from beach casino building tenants. There are more examples.

How is that Ethics Ordinance coming?

And did anyone on the dais last night who was "surprised" about the lack of respondents to the RFP ever think that it might be due to the city's poor reputation in abiding by its contractual obligations or its turbulent political environment?