Sunday, July 26, 2009

Report from the Small World Department:

Long time readers of this blog might recall the days of the "Truth Matters" streaming Internet show. Many of those shows included my friend Greg Vannier. It turns out that I bumped into Greg last night and hadn't seen him for what seemed to be a long time. We chatted and he related a story you might find interesting.

He, along with many other people including yours truly, have discovered the power of FaceBook and its ability to reacquaint you with long lost friends, especially from your high, junior and elementary schools. Well, it turns out he connected with one of his first "girl friends" from the 7th and 8th grade. As they started communication, they found out that they live three blocks away from each other, right in our beautiful city of Lake Worth! They had no idea and apparently this has been an undiscovered fact for many years. As they got to talking, Greg's friend asked if he knew Wes Blackman -it turns out she is a devoted reader of this blog!

So, a big huge shout out to "N" - hope to meet you sometime soon!

By the way, if you're on FaceBook, shoot me a friend request. From my "Blog Jam" experience yesterday, I am going to delve into Twitter more too. I put a button for that on the lower part of the right hand column. Clicking on that will take you to my Twitter profile and you can begin following me. My Twitter address is WesBlackman.

Better living through technology!