Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Way back when, during the last Lake Worth election, one of the buzz phrases was the need for sweeping cultural change affecting how the City of Lake Worth does business.  Hope sprang eternal with the prospect of a new City Manager, a new Mayor, a new attitude, etc.  

Here we are approaching a new election cycle, delayed 8 months due to the change in election time from March to November, and what has changed?  We might be more on our way to financial accountability and reporting, but no one really knows since any new audit either isn't ready or hasn't been released to the public.  Fortress Lake Worth still stands with doors closed, drawbridge up protecting the secrets deep inside that really aren't supposed to be secret anyhow - it's public information!  

We have a City Manager that was supposed to represent the beginnings of institutional stability, who is currently on a month to month contract since he really didn't want to be here anyway.  We have his "word" that he will not leave us during the budget cycle.  But, why did the Commission (Golden) negotiate a contract that would expire during the budget cycle?  Ever try to reach the City Manager?  Good luck.  He does not accept e-mail, calls are questionable and as far as I am aware, he is a casual visitor at City Hall.  A detached, drive-thru management style is not what we need in this City.  Some say he hires good people.  Marc LaFerrier, according to Mr. Baldwin, was the "best in the state".  Well, he didn't last long and now we are again in a state of flux in that department.  

Mr. Baldwin - the state is much larger than Broward County and Florida is part of the United States.

The reason I am my soapbox is that we don't see improvement in follow-through, proactiveness and trouble-shooting.  Why would anyone have to run around in response to the fact that we do not have operational lighting at the boat ramp?  Just a small example of the simple, mundane everyday municipal chores that are not being accomplished - sometimes to the financial detriment of the city through unfavorable liability judgements against Lake Worth.  The nightmares present in the building department continue to pile up.

Just a rant  - an expression of frustration.