Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sober Homes and Consequences: an article in website called Recovery Hub

Many Lake Worth residents are concerned about sober houses in the City and why their presence here is a terrible idea for addicts and those in recovery. Why would anyone in recovery want to go through that process in a city that has has an abundance of bars, liquor stores, a certain type of weed, and a well-deserved reputation for parties and partying? The City even has a 'recovery' church in a bar if you can believe that.

And then there's this from the Post's reporter Pat Beall. The insurance industry is very concerned about the situation vis-à-vis fraud and sober homes, drug testing, etc. Unfortunately, for the time being, there's little that can be done on the local level due to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); that might be changing thanks to Senator Hager, State Senator Jeff Clemens, and Rep. Lori Berman, to name a few. Changes at the Federal level are needed so that local governments can regulate these establishments.

Now comes this from a website called Recovery Hub. For something like this to appear on a site offering recovery services is incredible.

All of us should do our part to get the word out that south Florida is not a place to come for "treatment." There must be other regions in our nation that would offer less of a "trigger-filled" environment for recovery from addiction. Get the word out because it's very important: peoples lives are at stake.