Friday, January 16, 2015

Campaign kick-off DURING our Lake Worth First Responder/PBSO/Fire Rescue ceremony tonight?

Tonight at 6:00 is the Evening on the Avenues/Neighborhood Association Presidents' Council (NAPC) ceremony celebrating our Lake Worth First Responders, PBSO District 14 and Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Stations 91 and 93.

From the NAPC website:
To honor our First Responders, the NAPC “Front Porch” will be specially lit with blue lights on Friday night. Blue front porch lights will be available for neighbors to take home to show their appreciation as we encourage everyone to light their own front porches in blue for the rest of January. We will offer a Statement of Appreciation to representatives from PBSO and Fire Rescue from the stage at 8:30 pm followed by a special First Responders Appreciation cake, of course lit with blue candles, for everyone in the Plaza to share.
Curiously, a candidate challenging sitting Lake Worth Commissioner John Szerdi decided to have his "Kickoff Party!" tonight at 6:00. Would this be a not-so-subtle snub of our PBSO District 14 and our PBC Fire Rescue? 

This 'Kickoff Party' was posted on another blog but fails to mention where the party is and describes the party as by "invitation". Then why promote an event if no one knows where it is? More exclusive than inclusive. This is part of candidate Ryan Maier's campaign.

This stealth 'party' is being hosted by "We". No 'We' is identified. When was the last fundraiser/campaign kickoff where the 'host' committee was unidentified? Don't you find that odd? I do and so should you. 

So much for openness and transparency in our little City of Lake Worth.