Saturday, November 8, 2014

EXCLUSIVE — Cameraman: CBS 12’s a Mickey Mouse Operation!

Things are not looking good at Channel 12 these days. We, in Lake Worth, went through a rough period with them. Things have improved since then as far as Lake Worth coverage. But we had to live through shoddy reporting and lack of research being the top two complaints. It seems things at the station may have gone from bad to worse. Now we have this from Jose Lambiet of Gossip Extra (Click title for link) about Channel 12 being a "Mickey Mouse Operation!" From the article by Jose Lambiet:
A cameraman recently hired by WPEC-CBS12 up and quit this week after blasting the station as a Mickey Mouse operation with poor equipment and little guidance.
CBS12 is so low-grade, Vince Norman wrote his bosses in an email, that he walked out before the end of his three-month probationary period.
“I have reached the limit of what I’m willing to put up with,” he wrote.
In a media world where jobs are few and far between, that’s a hell of a statement! Here is part of the email Vince Norman wrote to his bosses at Channel 12:

Unfortunately, talent and creativity aren’t enough to run a successful news operation, without adequate support from a technical and logistical standpoint.
Too often in the three weeks I’ve been in the field, WPEC has consistently failed to provide theses two critical points.
Whether it was the third day of my employment, working a double with no gear, using a mostly destroyed camera to attempt (and fail) two live shots using a liveU; or simply being run all over creation due to the complete lack of situational awareness demonstrated by the assignment desk; I have reached the limit of what I’m willing to put up with.
Channel 12 was one of the stations which reported on yesterday's Briger protest. Here's two screen grabs from previous Channel 12 reports, both with appropriate captions, that show two esteemed Lake Worth citizens.