Sunday, May 11, 2014

Residual Revisionism re the representations of the Residents of the Residences of Lake Osborne Heights.

What follows is the actual spoken words by Residences of Lake Osborne President Robert Waples on Tuesday, 5/6/14, before the Lake Worth City Commission in their neighborhood association update. Mr. Waples actual words will be in bold below and Ms. Anderson's interpretation will be highlighted thus. Differences are further highlighted in bold red. Where Ms. Anderson deletes what was actually said, that appears in bold red in Mr. Waples' remarks.

Mr. Waples: “My name is Robert Waples, President of the Residences of Lake Osborne, a little name change. I am also joined by our Vice President Katie Mcgiveron, Secretary Ricardo Rojas, and a few of our neighbors here in the audience tonight.”

Ms. Anderson: "My name is Robert Waples, President of the Residences of Lake Osborne. I’m also joined by our Vice President Katie McGiveron, Secretary Ricardo Rojas, along with many of our neighbors and friends of Rolo."

Mr. Waples: “We represent a stable, single family neighborhood that has been so for over fifty years. And here we are before the City Commission giving our neighborhood update. Less just get the negatives out of the way first. Because of the political interests that district lines for our county, state, and even federal levels were shifted a few years ago. And we no longer share a voice with our sister neighborhoods which is the rest of the City of Lake Worth. We're divided. And we'd like to see that changed whenever we can. Our issues should be your issues. Let's talk about the issues:”

Ms. Anderson “We represent a stable, single family neighborhood that has been so for over 50 years. Now here we are before the City of Lake Worth Commission giving our neighborhood update. Let's get the negative out of the way first: Because of political interests, the district lines for our county, state and even federal levels where [sic] shifted and we no longer share a voice with our sister neighborhoods which IS (emphasis hers) the rest of the City of Lake Worth. OUR ISSUES SHOULD BE YOUR ISSUES! (emphasis hers) Let’s talk about the issues:

The rest is about the same. By the way, some people make better friends than enemies.