Saturday, October 2, 2010

Meaningful things that will be meaningless if Amendment 4 passes...

Palm Beach County is going through it's Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) for its Comprehensive Plan.  Click here for a summary of scoping meetings focusing on major topic areas that will be addressed in the EAR process.  This represents just a small part of the work needed to prepare a county-wide revision to the Comprehensive Plan. All this work would be made moot by the meaningless maximum 75 word ballot language that would accompany each proposed change to a Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  It also represents an opportunity for the public and all interested parties to be part of the process in the public review of the existing plan.  Do you think anyone will take this opportunity?  Those that want Amendment 4 to pass would think Commissioner Jennings' method of not participating in the review and formulation of the plan is fine since all that is needed on her part is to change the plan at the last minute.  This is what would happen if Amendment 4 passes - regardless of the objective work and facts contained in a Comprehensive Plan, a vote of NO would make all the work that went into a change to the plan moot.

I guess that's what those in favor of Amendment 4 want.  Think "creationism" versus evolution.