Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Listening to the City Commission meeting...

During public comment on unagendaed items, it was a consistent theme for the City Commission to get the Comprehensive Plan approved and to the state as soon as possible - not putting it off to November. Somehow staff is being accused by some people for delaying this for the next election cycle thinking that the composition will change that will undo the changes. This was addressed in the City Manager's report. It sounds like it is coming to the next City Commission meeting. There is confusion about this and what will happen with DCA review. Commissioner Jennings says that there is some sort of "courtesy review" step. Note: There is a possibility, once they see the changes - I'll have a better guess when I see them - that DCA will put together another ORC report. This would put off the eventual adoption hearing.

The Mayor says that the County Commission is "liking" the site plan on the beach and is willing to consider extending the time so that we retain the $5 million. We'll see. There was a lot of discussion about the permit spaces and how the County money will be accounted for. The County will not let the grant money be spent on parking spaces that will only benefit city residents.

Commissioner Lowe had a lot of questions on the Community Relations Board - what does empowerment mean, how much support are we giving them, etc??

Can we stipulate that javier del sol has lived here for 30 years so that he doesn't have to repeat it every time he speaks?