Monday, May 14, 2007

Well, here we are...

Hi folks. I want to take this time and thank you for visiting my blog. On a previous post, I told you about some tracking software that I put on this site. You might be interested in knowing what other people think the popular pages are. So, I created this chart (above - you can click on it to see more detail).

The list reads from most to least visited. Some of the titles can be a little cryptic, especially those concerning dates - but after playing around with Excel for WAY longer than intended, this at least gets the point across - LOL!

One of the more popular pages has been the "Neat Links" that take you to the American Institute of Architects' site showing 150 of America's favorite buildings. That surprises me a bit, but have at it - Enjoy! It really is a neat site. There are some other good links there too, so check it out if you haven't already.

There are a couple of ways to navigate this blog. You can:

  • Just scroll down the page and see what's current.

  • Check out the entries indexed by date to the right - just below the pictures.

  • Check out the items below the date index by topic.

  • Do a keyword search in the area provided above the page.

Don't forget my TalkBlog that can be found at Lake Worth - you can click on the link underneath the links section to the right. That will take you to the "Truth Matters" blog that corresponds with my show of the same name.

So, enjoy - I really appreciate you visiting here and I hope you find the information useful. Thanks again!